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Monday 29 September 2014

Have yourself a "me" day (morning)!!

After a weekend of fun at my cousins beautiful weeding in Doonbeg, I woke up this morning feeling tired and not so refreshed lol! With the house to myself and the day off work, I decided to have a "me" day! :-)

I started off my day by having a healthy, refreshing breakfast- a banana, orange and a nice glass of cool water. Healthy food makes me feel good and I always feel I can tackle the day better after eating healthily.

I'm the type of person that if I have few things to do, I get easily over-whelmed and bogged down. "To -do" lists calm me down-alot lol! I do have anxiety some days and feel that my mind is going to explode with worries/stress/thoughts/ I feel if I write down in black and white exactly what needs to be done and what worries I have, then I can take a deep breath and realise I'll be ok!

I am a candle/lantern junkie-LOVE them-essential for a "me" day!! Today I decided to burn my ESPA energising oil. It has lemongrass , peppermint and eucalyptus and it smells delicious! So uplifting and refreshing, it really is energising, I have things to do today so I didnt want to be dragging my feet behind me, otherwise for relaxation I love lavender,rose, ylang ylang and....well the list goes on and on!! ! The power of smell really is amazing....get yourself a nice candle/burning oil...makes a huge difference to the ambience of your home and state of mind!

After completing my lists I had a refreshing shower using my body brush and soap and glory body lotion. I use the body brush on dry skin before I have a shower. I feel I get a better exfoliation this way. This may sound weird, but some mornings my legs are a bit restless....I'm probably doing a jig in my sleep or something but whenever I use a body brush, it seems to go away!

I felt that my skin needed some TLC today so I decided to use a a masque :-) One of my favourite!!
Image have an amaaaaazing masque that not only exfoliates the skin but adds hydration back into the skin and  a beautiful glow. I will be doing a post soon that goes into more detail about my favourite masques! I also used Lush lip scrub in bubblegum to exfoliate my lips....I licked half of it off to be honest, its yum!!!

 With my Pukka relaxing tea in hand, I went out to the garden, sat down and took a nice deeeeeep breath. Then my cat needed to be fed lol!!!!

Now I am ready for the day.....:)

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