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Tuesday 7 October 2014

Skin Update: Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Hello all,

As many of ye know I have been getting laser skin rejuvenation in Cork Laser Care. I have 3 treatments so far and I really am loving the results. I have received quite a number of e-mails asking me how I am getting on and who skin rejuvenation is for etc so I decided to do a blog post today :)

For those of ye who are wondering what Skin Rejuvenation is, it is a laser treatment for the skin- that could be the skin on your face, hands, neck, chest and back-wherever you are concerned it! Laser is most certainly the way forward in the beauty industry. It is so versatile yet quite specific, it can treat almost any concern you could possibly have with your skin!

For me, as I have mentioned in the blog before, my concerns were oily t-zone, congested pores, enlarged pores and pigmentation! I guess, I felt my over all complexion was dull and tired-no matter what I used at home, I felt my skin needed a good kick up the bum! lol! - in comes Cork Laser Care! ;)

As a teenager, and adult, I have so many days that I have been down and sad about my skin-wearing make up because I felt I  needed it rather than wanting to! There are so many great skin treatments and products on the market these days. I must admit though, obviously being a beauty therapist, I am overly critical about my skin. I have spent a phenomenal about of hard earned cash on products that claim to work miracles only to be bitterly disappointed after trying them. The only product claim that I have fallen victim for time and time again are "pore minimizing" products! I have whole heartedly say that none of the products that I have used have ever worked-not to a noticeable degree anyway!

The main difference I notice so far in my skin are how smaller my pores are now thanks to this amazing laser treatment! I am actually quite excited about this as it really used to get me down. I now feel my complexion is healthier and more even. When I do wear make-up now, ist actually lasts much longer which is a bonus!

Below are 2 pictures I took after my 2nd treatment of Skin Rejuvenation.

These pictures were taken today, I had my 3rd treatment yesterday! :)

You may notice in the last picture that  my pigmentation is quite dark-this is actually a good thing!!! Pigmentation is deep within the skin cells........laser blasts these cells and push the pigmentation to the surface of the skin where it naturally sheds off the skin leaving a clear, even complexion behind. The reason my pigmentation is darker now is because it is getting closer to the surface,,,,hope this makes sense :P

I have my 4th Treatment in 3 weeks time and I look forward to seeing my skin improve even further,

I know what it feels like to feel down about your skin. As a teenager and in my early 20's I have poor skin- adult acne in fact. This is the first time in my life I can actually say that I feel confident about skin and that yes I will go to Dunnes sans make up-I know that sounds shallow/superficial but it's a big achievement for me!

Please e-mail me if you have any questions and I will help you as best I can!

Thank you to all my followers so far by the way, the support is incredible and hello to all the newbies!! :)


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