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Thursday 24 July 2014

Skin Science: Vitamin C

Hello All,

Today I wanted to write about Vitamin C as it is VITAL to include in your skin care routine- no matter what your age, sex, or skin concern is vitamin C plays such an important role in the functioning of the skin. 

As a science degree holder I find it fascinating reading about ingredients, why they are included in skin  products and how the work.I literally need to know as much as I can about every ingredient for me to be fully convinced that it works!  I could spend hours up hours reading science papers :) OK onto Vitamin C......  

The Effect of Vitamin C on the skin.....

For centuries, Vitamin C has been known for its anti-ageing properties. In fact, it is believed that centuries ago women would use sea buckhorn on their skin to fight the skins ageing process. This was due to the high content of Vitamin C in the berries of the sea buckhorn plant. Rose hip is a  berry like fruit which is left after a rose dies and  is rich is Vitamin C- 20 times more than an orange in fact. In ancient times,women would make  a paste  from rose petals to heal and moisturise their skin.  I love reading about ancient beauty regimes- its fascinating!  I think we could really learn new tips and tricks by respecting our ancestors beauty rituals ( I'll do a blog post on this topic soon)  

  • Anti- ageing: 

Collagen is a protein made of amino acids which is found in the skins cells. It is responsible for  the strength and elasticity of the skins connective tissue. As the skin matures, collagen production is decreased. As a molecule, collagen is quite complex.....for the synthesis of a complex molecule such a collagen, several steps are involved. These steps are highly specific and guess what is needed for every step? Vitamin C!!!!The most effect way of getting vitamin C into the skin cells is by applying it onto the skin.....not via our diet, topical application of vitamin C is 20 times more effective that oral ingestion! Therefore by including vitamin C in our skin care routine, we are boosting collagen synthesis :) Studies have shown that due to the instability of vitamin C, L-ascorbic acid ( a form of vitamin C which is most stable) is the only vitamin C derivative to have a positive effect on collagen production. ALWAYS read the label when you are buying a skin care product.......just because a product contains vitamin C does NOT mean it is anti-ageing......It must be in the form of l-ascorbic acid..!!

  • Anti-Oxidant:

Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant ingredient. This means that it protects the skin from the damage of free radicals. A free radical is an uncharged molecule.....on the hunt for anything to attach itself onto and destroy. Free radicals can reduce collagen production which can lead to wrinkles and cause the skin to lack suppleness. Vitamin C is one of the most potent and powerful anti-oxidants out there!! 

  • Sun Damage/pigmentation:

Due to the acidity of Vitamin C, it is said to be combat greatly against sun spots and hyper pigmentation. In a scientific study, which I have listed below if anyone is interested, scientist performed a double blinded 6 month trial examining the effects vitamin c on sun-damaged skin. Candidates were either given a Vitamin C creme to topically apply onto the sun-damaged area or a placebo creme- after 6 months each candidate had their skin examined and those who received the Vitamin C creme showed significant improved of their phoro-damaged skin. In a nut shell  the results proved that Vitamin C has a positive effect on sun damaged skin. :) This doesnt mean that you can skip your SPF and just use vitamin C, but by including such a powerful ingredient, you are maximising your skins protection from UV light1

Vitamin C is SO important to include in your routine. It not only does what I have explained above but It also is very hydrating. It actually helps your skin retain water for much longer which in turn has a brightening effect on your skin...

I hope you found this informative! And as always, if anyone needs additional information, please email me:

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