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Wednesday 16 July 2014

Laser Hair Removal

Hello all, Hope all is well,

As the title suggests this post will be about my experience so far with laser hair removal :) 

While on facebook one day I came across a really good deal for 6 sessions of laser hair removal on the underarm in Therapie. I wanted to do it for my wedding next year and was excited to get started!

I decided to book myself in for a free consultation in Therapie Cork. Noelle went through a very thorough consultation with me, explaining how the laser works, how to prepare my skin before each treatment, what not to do after my treatments and how many sessions I may need. She even came up with a payment plan for me rather than having to dish out the money all in one go which I was delighted with! I knew beforehand that 6 sessions wouldn't be enough to get the clearance I needed but I was impressed by how honest and professional Noelle was for the consultation, she made it very clear that after 6 sessions of laser hair removal that I may need top up treatments. After my consultation I booked in my treatment for the very next day......

My first session was with Lydia , she reiterated a few points that Noelle had gone through during the consultation at the start of the treatment. She prepped my skin and asked me to wear protective goggles for during the treatment. The sensation isn't comparable to anything else I've felt before.I actually find waxing more painful!  I've read a few reviews comparing it to an elastic band snapping off the skin but to be honest I find that comparison a little dramatic! If anything, it feels like intense pins and needles! Before I knew it, the treatment was over and Lydia reminded me of my after care. I found that my underarms were a little sensitive after the treatment which is expected but when I applied the aloe vera Lydia had suggested the area cooled straight away.

I have had  3 sessions now and must say I am highly impressed! The hair growth has certainly decreased and I have noticed that the hair that is there is quite fine!  Below is a picture of the lovely Lauren that has looked after me for my past 2 sessions. Lauren always ensures that I am comfortable during the treatment and always makes me feel at ease so much so I now find it quite relaxing and therapeutic! Looking forward to my next one! :)

Since starting my course of laser hair removal, I have had a few friends and colleagues ask me a few questions about it so I've put together a few pointers:

1. Laser hair removal works best on pale skin and dark hair, the reason for this is that the laser itself it attracted to pigment, the less pigment in the skin and the more in the hair the better! If you are unsure if you are a candidate or not, why not book in for a free consultation! :-)

2. Therapie Cork use medical grade laser machines which is F.D.A. approved and is proven to work.
If you are thinking of getting laser hair removal, do your research, ask your salon/clinic which laser treatment they use and what machine!! There are ALOT of salons offering cheap deals for "laser" treatments so be very very careful. Don't take a chance! These medical grade laser machines are highly expensive and are costly to run so of course the cost of treatment will reflect on that.  Cheaper alternatives may seem tempting but honestly resist!

3. Waxing and use of hair removal creams are a no go during your course of treatment so to maintain hair growth inbetween your sessions, shaving is best!

4. NO laser treatment can GUARANTEE 100% clearance, no matter what machine is used or how much it is, it is impossible to promise total clearance!!!

5. Some hormonal imbalances can effect hair growth such as PCOS. If you do have PCOS , you can still get the treatment done but may need more than the average number of session to get results so bear this mind if you are thinking of getting laser done!

6. Each laser machine requires a different duration for inbetween treatments, some need 6 weeks, some even need 10 weeks or more so make sure to ask before you book it. There is no quick fix, when I find it i shall let ye know ;)

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