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Sunday 20 July 2014


Hello All :)

My first experience working with cosmeceuticals was with a brand named IMAGE! I haven't looked back since! I just wanted to write a short and sweet blog today explaining exactly what a cosmeceutical is!

If anyone has any questions please drop me an email @

A cosmeceutical is an ingredient which has both medicinal and cosmetic properties. The ingredient has  active, potent properties which bring about visible results on the skin. Our skin is made up of multiple layers with the skin cells which produce sebum....the skins natural oil, collagen and elastin situated in the deeper layers. In order to bring about a significant improvement to pigmentation, ageing skin, acne, blocked pores and skin conditions such as psoriasis to name but a few, we need to get our skin care products deep into the skin. A non cosmeceutical product will only maintain your skin .... to a certain degree it cant be absorbed into the deeper layers of skin.  We need to work a little harder to bring about change.... 

Due to the active properties of cosmeceutical ingredients, they must be used correctly, if not you can actually cause damage to the skin...which we don't want obviously. You can only purchase cosmeceutical skin brands at a professional skin clinic or salon after a thorough consultation by a skin therapist.

Cosmetic skin brands, or non cosmeceuticals, are available in department stores, pharmacies, supermarkets etc. They can contain active ingredients such as glycolic acid  and retinol BUT at  low concentrations and due to their ph cannot be delivered to the cells in the deeper layers. Personally, I think its best to mix cosmetic and cosmeceuticals together to get best results. Professional facial treatments are important if you are even only trying to  maintain your skin. The way I look at it....looking after your skin at home but never have facials is like brushing your teeth at home but never going to the dentist...!!

Below are a list of cosmeceutical Brands:

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