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Thursday 24 July 2014

Skin Science: Vitamin C

Hello All,

Today I wanted to write about Vitamin C as it is VITAL to include in your skin care routine- no matter what your age, sex, or skin concern is vitamin C plays such an important role in the functioning of the skin. 

As a science degree holder I find it fascinating reading about ingredients, why they are included in skin  products and how the work.I literally need to know as much as I can about every ingredient for me to be fully convinced that it works!  I could spend hours up hours reading science papers :) OK onto Vitamin C......  

The Effect of Vitamin C on the skin.....

For centuries, Vitamin C has been known for its anti-ageing properties. In fact, it is believed that centuries ago women would use sea buckhorn on their skin to fight the skins ageing process. This was due to the high content of Vitamin C in the berries of the sea buckhorn plant. Rose hip is a  berry like fruit which is left after a rose dies and  is rich is Vitamin C- 20 times more than an orange in fact. In ancient times,women would make  a paste  from rose petals to heal and moisturise their skin.  I love reading about ancient beauty regimes- its fascinating!  I think we could really learn new tips and tricks by respecting our ancestors beauty rituals ( I'll do a blog post on this topic soon)  

  • Anti- ageing: 

Collagen is a protein made of amino acids which is found in the skins cells. It is responsible for  the strength and elasticity of the skins connective tissue. As the skin matures, collagen production is decreased. As a molecule, collagen is quite complex.....for the synthesis of a complex molecule such a collagen, several steps are involved. These steps are highly specific and guess what is needed for every step? Vitamin C!!!!The most effect way of getting vitamin C into the skin cells is by applying it onto the skin.....not via our diet, topical application of vitamin C is 20 times more effective that oral ingestion! Therefore by including vitamin C in our skin care routine, we are boosting collagen synthesis :) Studies have shown that due to the instability of vitamin C, L-ascorbic acid ( a form of vitamin C which is most stable) is the only vitamin C derivative to have a positive effect on collagen production. ALWAYS read the label when you are buying a skin care product.......just because a product contains vitamin C does NOT mean it is anti-ageing......It must be in the form of l-ascorbic acid..!!

  • Anti-Oxidant:

Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant ingredient. This means that it protects the skin from the damage of free radicals. A free radical is an uncharged molecule.....on the hunt for anything to attach itself onto and destroy. Free radicals can reduce collagen production which can lead to wrinkles and cause the skin to lack suppleness. Vitamin C is one of the most potent and powerful anti-oxidants out there!! 

  • Sun Damage/pigmentation:

Due to the acidity of Vitamin C, it is said to be combat greatly against sun spots and hyper pigmentation. In a scientific study, which I have listed below if anyone is interested, scientist performed a double blinded 6 month trial examining the effects vitamin c on sun-damaged skin. Candidates were either given a Vitamin C creme to topically apply onto the sun-damaged area or a placebo creme- after 6 months each candidate had their skin examined and those who received the Vitamin C creme showed significant improved of their phoro-damaged skin. In a nut shell  the results proved that Vitamin C has a positive effect on sun damaged skin. :) This doesnt mean that you can skip your SPF and just use vitamin C, but by including such a powerful ingredient, you are maximising your skins protection from UV light1

Vitamin C is SO important to include in your routine. It not only does what I have explained above but It also is very hydrating. It actually helps your skin retain water for much longer which in turn has a brightening effect on your skin...

I hope you found this informative! And as always, if anyone needs additional information, please email me:

Sunday 20 July 2014


Hello All :)

My first experience working with cosmeceuticals was with a brand named IMAGE! I haven't looked back since! I just wanted to write a short and sweet blog today explaining exactly what a cosmeceutical is!

If anyone has any questions please drop me an email @

A cosmeceutical is an ingredient which has both medicinal and cosmetic properties. The ingredient has  active, potent properties which bring about visible results on the skin. Our skin is made up of multiple layers with the skin cells which produce sebum....the skins natural oil, collagen and elastin situated in the deeper layers. In order to bring about a significant improvement to pigmentation, ageing skin, acne, blocked pores and skin conditions such as psoriasis to name but a few, we need to get our skin care products deep into the skin. A non cosmeceutical product will only maintain your skin .... to a certain degree it cant be absorbed into the deeper layers of skin.  We need to work a little harder to bring about change.... 

Due to the active properties of cosmeceutical ingredients, they must be used correctly, if not you can actually cause damage to the skin...which we don't want obviously. You can only purchase cosmeceutical skin brands at a professional skin clinic or salon after a thorough consultation by a skin therapist.

Cosmetic skin brands, or non cosmeceuticals, are available in department stores, pharmacies, supermarkets etc. They can contain active ingredients such as glycolic acid  and retinol BUT at  low concentrations and due to their ph cannot be delivered to the cells in the deeper layers. Personally, I think its best to mix cosmetic and cosmeceuticals together to get best results. Professional facial treatments are important if you are even only trying to  maintain your skin. The way I look at it....looking after your skin at home but never have facials is like brushing your teeth at home but never going to the dentist...!!

Below are a list of cosmeceutical Brands:

Friday 18 July 2014

Eyelash Extensions

Hello all, 

A few months back I decided to treat myself to eyelash extensions. After reading about....and seeing a few horrid cases of eyelash extensions, I wanted to research a bit before I went ahead a book it. First things first, eyelash extensions do not make your natural eyelashes fall out, if they are done professionally with proper "glue" then you should have no problems with them unless you yank them out yourself!!! 

I booked myself into "Amber Lashes & Beauty" in carrigaline and hoped for the best. The salon is situated on Kilmoney  road just opposite the co op and

is uber chic. The therapists are very professional and know exactly what they are doing. Being in the industry and being a therapist myself I'm a tough client to impress but the customer service and more importantly the treatment itself was top notch! Aijia did my lashes, I opted for a full set of natural lashes ( but not tooooo natural like! ) The treatment took about an hour and was very relaxing. I have extreme hayfever and am a contact lens wearer so I was a small bit worried that the lashes would irritate my eyes but not at all! :)

I'd highly recommend them, for a wedding, special occasion or even if you just want to treat yourself. In the pictures below I am only wearing foundation, blusher and lip gloss.....the lashes make a huuuuge difference and is most certainly a beauty treatment I will get again! 

Check our Amber Lashes & Beauty on facebook, they always have special offers on :)

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Laser Hair Removal

Hello all, Hope all is well,

As the title suggests this post will be about my experience so far with laser hair removal :) 

While on facebook one day I came across a really good deal for 6 sessions of laser hair removal on the underarm in Therapie. I wanted to do it for my wedding next year and was excited to get started!

I decided to book myself in for a free consultation in Therapie Cork. Noelle went through a very thorough consultation with me, explaining how the laser works, how to prepare my skin before each treatment, what not to do after my treatments and how many sessions I may need. She even came up with a payment plan for me rather than having to dish out the money all in one go which I was delighted with! I knew beforehand that 6 sessions wouldn't be enough to get the clearance I needed but I was impressed by how honest and professional Noelle was for the consultation, she made it very clear that after 6 sessions of laser hair removal that I may need top up treatments. After my consultation I booked in my treatment for the very next day......

My first session was with Lydia , she reiterated a few points that Noelle had gone through during the consultation at the start of the treatment. She prepped my skin and asked me to wear protective goggles for during the treatment. The sensation isn't comparable to anything else I've felt before.I actually find waxing more painful!  I've read a few reviews comparing it to an elastic band snapping off the skin but to be honest I find that comparison a little dramatic! If anything, it feels like intense pins and needles! Before I knew it, the treatment was over and Lydia reminded me of my after care. I found that my underarms were a little sensitive after the treatment which is expected but when I applied the aloe vera Lydia had suggested the area cooled straight away.

I have had  3 sessions now and must say I am highly impressed! The hair growth has certainly decreased and I have noticed that the hair that is there is quite fine!  Below is a picture of the lovely Lauren that has looked after me for my past 2 sessions. Lauren always ensures that I am comfortable during the treatment and always makes me feel at ease so much so I now find it quite relaxing and therapeutic! Looking forward to my next one! :)

Since starting my course of laser hair removal, I have had a few friends and colleagues ask me a few questions about it so I've put together a few pointers:

1. Laser hair removal works best on pale skin and dark hair, the reason for this is that the laser itself it attracted to pigment, the less pigment in the skin and the more in the hair the better! If you are unsure if you are a candidate or not, why not book in for a free consultation! :-)

2. Therapie Cork use medical grade laser machines which is F.D.A. approved and is proven to work.
If you are thinking of getting laser hair removal, do your research, ask your salon/clinic which laser treatment they use and what machine!! There are ALOT of salons offering cheap deals for "laser" treatments so be very very careful. Don't take a chance! These medical grade laser machines are highly expensive and are costly to run so of course the cost of treatment will reflect on that.  Cheaper alternatives may seem tempting but honestly resist!

3. Waxing and use of hair removal creams are a no go during your course of treatment so to maintain hair growth inbetween your sessions, shaving is best!

4. NO laser treatment can GUARANTEE 100% clearance, no matter what machine is used or how much it is, it is impossible to promise total clearance!!!

5. Some hormonal imbalances can effect hair growth such as PCOS. If you do have PCOS , you can still get the treatment done but may need more than the average number of session to get results so bear this mind if you are thinking of getting laser done!

6. Each laser machine requires a different duration for inbetween treatments, some need 6 weeks, some even need 10 weeks or more so make sure to ask before you book it. There is no quick fix, when I find it i shall let ye know ;)

Monday 14 July 2014

Microdermabrasion Review!

Hello all! :)

Last week I had a microdermabrasion facial with Sandra in the Kinsale Salon, sure why not!! :) Its in the heart of Kinsale, just opposite "The Blue Haven". Check out their website :) Can't recommend these guys highly enough!

 What is Microdermabrasion??

If anyone is looking for a deep pore cleansing facial then this is the one for you!
I would recommend Microderm for all skin types, although if you have multiple broken capillaries, it is probably best to avoid it!Sterile diamond heads are used to remove the dead skin cells while a suction action extracts dirt from pores! As a therapist myself, I've experienced many a facial, but I must say microdermabrasion is the only facial that works for me.....and my manky blackheads!! yuck! It is a deeper facial treatment than the norm but does not hurt in anyway! Below is a picture of the different heads used during a microderm treatment. A course of microdermabrasion is best....but see how you feel after your first one :)

Crystal v Diamond Microdermabrasion

There are 2 types of microderm...crystal and diamond! In the last 10 years, Diamond microdermabrasion has become very popular as opposed to crystal. In a nut are harder than crystal and therefore promotes much deeper exfoliation, also during a treatment of crystal microderm particles from the cyrstal can break off the actual wand and deposit onto the skin and you run the risk of swallowing it! -eh no thank you!  There are many articles arguing that ingestion of crystals is "safe" but in the past few years it is a controversy in the medical community so dont take the risk! Be sure to ask your salon that it is a crystal free microderm!

 Now for the review......

The facial was €50 and was 75minutes!! The salon were doing a special offer at the time which meant I had my brows tinted and shaped and eyelashes tinted all included in the price! Amazeballs I know! The cheap price certainly doesn't reflect the treatment, the salon just  believe you shouldn't have to buy sky high prices to get top notch beauty treatment, damn right ladies!! :) You would pay at least €90 for the exact same treatment in Cork City!! Off I went to kinsale anywho, I found a free car park just behind "Crackpots" and found the salon pretty easy. Sandra, one of the owners of the salon, was my facial therapist. She was very professional and examined my skin in all its glory once she had removed my make up! After thoroughly cleansing my skin she started the microdermabrasion treatment.

The sensation on the skin when Sandra was doing the microderm was quite satisfying! The easiest way to describe microderm is that its like a teeny tiny hoover for your pores, sucks out the bad stuff and exfoliates the dead skin away. The facial also included a gorgeous massage, extractions, masque and  hand & arm massage...bliss :)

Below are a few pointers on the benefits  Microdermabrasion.....!!

  • Deep pore exfoliation!- yes please :)
  • Removal of stubborn blocked pores!!! 
  • Accelerated cell cells = fresh glowing skin!
  • Because its a deep facial treatment there is an increased blood flow to the dermis= more food for fibroblasts ( guys who make collagen ) therefore anti-aging
  • Excellent for superficial acne scaring-probably one of the best treatments actually out there! ( in my opinion )
  • Beneficial for hyper-pigmentation

Since my microderm last week, I have defiantly noticed a difference in my skin- it is radiant, smoother and my complexion is clearer. I have booked in with Sandra again for 4 weeks time....Looking forward to it already!

If you want to truly see an improvement to your skin, then go for a deeper facial than a regular facial. I would highly highly recommend this salon, why not pop in for a consultation and take it from there! The way I look at it is I wouldn't think twice about spending more than €50 on a pair of shoes so why not spend it on your face?

If any of ye go for it, let me know how ye get on!

Sunday 13 July 2014

Science behind beauty.....

Hello All,

I know I cant promise a blog post daily but I will try my best to do one weekly! As some of you may know, I have a science degree...Nutritional Science in fact. Go me! :) So when I read or purchase a new skincare product, the scientist in me needs to know how it works.......

First up is Retinol!!!

A bit of sciency background....Retinol has been the beauty buzz word for quite some time now and has even been described as a "miracle ingredient". It is a derivative of Vitamin A and is used in the Beauty Industry for its potent anti-ageing properties. Retinoic acid is the active form of retinol and is also used for acne treatments but is only available on prescription by a doctor or dermatologist!! ( boooo !!! ) Basically the retinol that we can get over the counter isn't as good as the bad boy you can get off the doctor, but certainly still worth using!

What does Retinol do?

Firstly it is an anti-oxidant which protects the skin from free radical-free radicals. Free Radicals are the demons that can cause pre-mature ageing, reduction in elasticity and suppleness, eh no thanks! The fact that retinol is an anti-oxidant means that is anti-ageing,even before I get into the nitty-gritty!!

As I've stated above, retinoic acid is the active form of retinol, a small amount of "over the counter" retinol is converted to this active form and is used by skin cells called dermal fibroblasts. We like fibroblasts, these guys make collagen which smooth out fine lines and wrinkles! As the skin matures, the fibroblasts get lazy, very lazy and produce less collagen......feed them retinol and they perk up! The more collagen...the less wrinkles! ;)

Another effect of maturing skin is that cell turnover is reduced...alot! Because of this, our skin is slower to shed itself....dead skin galore! yuck! Retinol has been proven to increase cell turnover which gets rid of the dead skin so that other beneficial ingredients can get to where they are needed in the skin. This is why retinol is used during acne, psoriasis and pigmentation treatment.

If you are thinking of adding retinol to your skin care routine, do it gradually and most importantly use it as advised by a skin therapist or dermatologist. No point is buying it if you are using it incorrectly! My advice is to go for a cosmeceutical brand rather than a non cosmeceutical brand. In a nut shell, cosmeceutical brands contain ingredients which penetrate deeper into the skin cells...if you logically think about it....your fibroblasts, the guys that make collagen, are deep in the skin layers, there is no point applying retinol to the top layers of skin ( in the case of non cosmeceutical brands ) ! you need the retinol to burrow through to where its needed!

Image is a GREAT example of a cosmeceutical brand. Find you local salon which stocks image,book in for a consultation and take it from there. I have worked with this brand...and many other skin brands, and it wins by miles.

Just a few pointers on Retinol:

  • Use with Vitamin C for best results, this prevents sun damage!! :) 
  • If using during the day, protect the skin with an SPF! 
  • If you have prominent acne or pigmentation, perhaps ask your dermatologist for a more potent form!
  • Be VERY VERY VERY careful not to over use retinol, it can cause your skin to go into overdrive and even cause damage to the skin so please use it correctly.
  • you skin WILL peel while using retinol, this is due to the accelerated cell turnover.

Here is the IMAGE website ..............

Retinol is the bomb!! Go get it!!