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Wednesday 11 February 2015

Charlotte Crosby- Geordie Shore- Workout DVD review!

Hey Guys!

I've been very bold on the blog lately with my lack of posts but I promise I'll get better!! :-)

I have been doing Charlottes DVD now 4 times a week for the past 4 weeks so I said i'd do a review about what I think so far! The dvd has 12 round of 3 minute exercise, also has a warmup and cool down section plus an extra ab section.

Now I know what you are thinking, how can a DVD be hard and would you not be better off going to the gym?? This DVD is a fantastic workout, its the perfect combination of cardio and resistance. The sweat pours off me when I do the whole 12 rounds anyway and I feel great! :) As for weight loss or inch loss, I actually haven't weighed myself at all as I am just going by how my clothes feel and how I look! I def notice a difference in my tummy so far, I can actually see the outline of my abs- getting there slowly but surely! :-)

I'm not doing the DVD to loose weight ( although what bride to be doesn't want to loose a few pound hey? )! I started exercising purely to get fitter and to feel better about myself! I have way more energy now than I did before I started the DVD!!

Charlotte recommends doing the DVD at least 4 times a week in combination with a healthy diet! I mean there is so point exercising to get fit or even loose weight when your diet is poor! I wish there was an easy way but nope! lol!!

I'm not quite confident yet to put my before picture on my blog....I will though in a few weeks and actually, this may sound bonkers,I look at my before pic every now and then just to motivate me even further!!

The DVD is great if your not a lover of the gym or if your not a fan of going to exercise classes. Its so handy that you can workout in the comfort of your own home.I literally did the workout the other night at 11pm!! I was full of bean before going to bed sure why not! lol!!

Iv received quite a number of e-mails asking me is it worth getting and I can say 1000000000% yes it is!! I bought mine off!

I know alot of my readers have already purchased it so I'd love to know how everyone is getting on!!


Nini xx

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