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Friday 21 November 2014

Image Clinical Skin Peel: Review!

Hey guys,

As a skin-care fanatic, I am a hard gal to impress when it comes to products and facials....but after my Image Clinical Peel I got this week, I felt compelled to blog about it! I booked myself in for an Image peel at Cork Laser Care on Tuesday with lovely Gerri. I have had treatments with Gerri before so I knew I was in capable hands.

Before I go on......I think there is a stigma attached to the word"peel" and especially when the word "skin" comes before it.......I blame Samantha from Sex and The City for this lol....................

No you will NOT look like this after an Image skin peel....

I am a firm believer that if you want to make a significant change/improvement to your skin, then you need to find skin treatments and products that dig deep into the skin cells and do what they are supposed to do. Image is a skincare range which was developed by an American plastic surgeon. It is formulated with cosmeceutical ingredients which are scientifically designed to get deep into the skin cell. If you suffer from acne,deep pore congestion, pre-mature aging, pigmentation, sun damage or wrinkles/fine lines, then non-cosmeceutical ingredients can only do so much. To rectify your skin concern and to improve your skins condition,  ingredients need to be driven deep into the pore to do their job....why? because for all the skin concerns listed above, the cells responsible for the improvement of the skin are situated deep in the skins layers......HELLO IMAGE SKIN CARE!!

I use alot of image skin care products in my everyday routine, which I will be doing a blog post about soon so I knew I would love this Image clinical Peel.

After a consultation with Gerri, she showed me through to her facial room and told me to make myself cosy. Gerri decided that the Image Signature Facelift would be perfect for me. I was already impressed the second I heard "facelift"..! The Image peel treatment consisted of  facial cleanse,de-greasing the skin which preps it for the 2nd part of the peel.....which is done in 4 layers. High doses of Vitamin C and glycolic are used to totally rejuvenate the skin. In layman's terms, the glycolic scoops out the dirt embedded deep in the pore and the vitamin c feeds and plumps out your starving/thirsty skin cells! :-)

Below is a picture of me before the Peel:

During the Peel:

After the Peel:

My skin felt so amazing after the treatment, clean, fresh and glowing!! It has been a few days since I had the treatment and I can still see the benefits of this skin treatment and that to me is a sign of a good facial! I have had  alot of facials in the past where my skin looks and feels amazing after the facial but that only lasts a few hours max! This peel boosts your skin cells so much and kicks them into action so your skin continually improves after the facial! My skin wasn't red at all afterward so there was no down-time with this facial- Now I can understand why this is known as a red carpet treatment!

Image Clinical Peels have quite an array of treatments available which can cater for any skin condition and concern. Go to this website to see where your nearest Image skincare centre is.....

Niamh xx

Sunday 2 November 2014

Inglot Haul!!

I cannot contain my hyperness and excitement that Inglot is FINALLY in mahon point Cork!! I remember being in Poland about 8 years ago and discovering this brand, it was love at first sight!! It really is an amazing make up brand and so reasonable priced too which is always a plus. Inglot has been in Limerick and Dublin for quite some time now so I was delira when it came to Cork. joke....have 28 Inglot eyeshadows and 10 lip products....ooppssie, so when I went to mahon point  I was determined to try out something new.

The girls in Inglot were so helpful and friendly, the whole experience was really enjoyable. I picked up a few goodies which I'm dying to tell ye about! :)

First up is the Sparkle Dust! This can be used to highlight the cupids bow, shin bone, collar bone, check bones and brow bone....its super pretty!! They have 3 shades, I decided to go for shade 01 as I thought it complimented my skin tone best. The package is really neat and sleek and its easy to control the amount of product you wish to apply-obviously the more heavy handed you are, the more intense the colour will be! Amazeballs!! If you're looking for a powder highlighter then this guy is for you!!

I've been on the look out for a good loose powder for aaages. I always find that any powders that I have tried in the past have been quite cakey. I decided to go for the Stage-sport-studio mattifying loose powder...I think it was the colour that intrigued me!  The lady in Inglot explained that this was designed for those who have extremley oily skin and that it even keeps you make up inplace while you sweat it out in the gym!! I've only been wearing this powder for a few hours so I really cant tell if this is true or not but so far I love it!!!

Now for my favourite products that I got today!! Inglot have a stunning range of pigments, matte, sparkly, shimmery and so on....every colour under the sun!! I went for no. 82, Its such a pretty array of coppers, browns, green and golds...when the light hits it, its savage!! I'm already thinking Chistmas night out!!! hehe.

While browsing the pigments, I came acorss Duraline....never heard of it before so I was excited to investigate it.! This is magic in a bottle!! Basically you add it to any powder or pigment and it intesifies the colour completely. I have done a few swatches below for you too see the vast difference the stuff makes!! It could really transform your whole eyeshadow kit!!

 This is the pigment after I applied the duraline underneath...!!!! :)

I wanted to test out the Duraline with some of my whole powder eyeshadows so I swatched a Nars eyeshadow with and withour duraline! Difference is unreal...I know I'm guna be obsessed with this product!!!

The swatch in the middle is the eyeshadow by itself....the bottom one is with Duraline added!! 
 I think I can safely say that my MAC obsession has been replaced by an INGLOT one!!
